Chris Tsao on VSA's 19th Annual Vietnamese Culture Night
VCN stands for Vietnamese Culture Night, and it’s an annual show that Vietnamese Student Association holds in efforts to celebrate and showcase Vietnamese culture. It features a two-act play as well as a multitude of other performances, and demonstrates the talent and hard work of our club’s members both on stage and behind the scenes.
20th Annual VCN Explores Perceptions Of Home Among Vietnamese Immigrants
The Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) explored the meanings of home in the 20th Annual VCN! The show was titled "The Road Home, Đường Về Quê Hương" in which it explores the concept of home, identity, memory and culture. It was an impactful night filled with beautiful performances and memories that will last for a long time.
Student Groups Reach Out to High Schoolers
VSA offers an outreach program designed for all high school students to visit UCSB’s campus.With the help of the Vietnamese Outreach Initiative in College Education (VOICE) program, low income high school students are able to experience living at UC Santa Barbara.
Weekend Show Honors Culture, Supports Charity
UCSB VSA's 7th Annual VCN, Between the Lines, explored themes related to the Vietnam War and touched upon wartime injustices and issues felt by the Vietnamese Community. This was the first year admission to the show was offered for free, and all donations to the show were donated to charity.
Check out these videos made by UCSB VSA!
UCSB 2017 VCN Final Video
UCSB VCN 2017 Trailer 2
2017 VCN Trailer 1
18th Annual VCN: Rippling Waters (Nước Mắt Ngọt Ngào)
VCN 2015: Across Generations
VCN 2015: Behind the Scenes
VCN Trailer 2015: Across Generations
VSA Fall Retreat 2014
Pho King 2015: Contestant Dance
Pho King 2015: Escort Dance
Pho King 2015: Contestant Shout Outs
Pho King Trailer 2015